Tuesday, February 22, 2011


If I had the grand opportunity to research any topic for a whole semester and funds weren't an issue, I would probably choose to help research either a slew of diseases preferably hereditary/finding cures or studying how to make successful Internet brands/empires. The diseases project would probably take a great deal of knowledge from someone who is highly trained/educated, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to try on my own.

If the Internet project research was successful I could make several Internet brands/empires and help fund the first project so that highly trained professionals could hopefully make a cure for things such as diabetes.

In having a successful Internet brand/empire I could also help people who have great ideas on how to help the world get there ideas out there for the world to see!

The overall goal of both projects would be to help people.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I had a dream recently where my life was based on helping others...

In the dream seeing other people happy brought me so much satisfaction.

It was truly an incredible feeling/experience and I didn't realize it was just a dream until I woke up.

Now I only wish the dream was a reality.

In real life I often help children and elderly, but in the dream I saw the need to help anyone who genuinely needs help.

 The dream helped me remember that I want to make this beautiful green world  of ours a better place.